On the run from Johnny Law. Ain't no trip to Cleveland.

My Fall Saturdays would be so much simplier if I lived here. I'm tired of having to struggle to find a way to watch one of 12-14 games UGA plays each season. My Moms and Pops took care of the problem for this next season, getting me a subscription to ESPN Gameplan for next season, which gives me exactly 557 days after today to move to a place where I know I can find all of the games, including ones againt UAB and Middle Tennessee State. Other places I could move and easily see all of Georgia's games: Anaheim/LA, Baltimore, Chicago, and Denver all make the list only because of an ESPN Zone. Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, and Savannah should all have it based on location. I should be able to find it in New York based on its size alone. Vegas will almost certainly carry it because someone in town bet their life savings on the outcome. Everyone from D.C. is from somewhere else, so I'd assume you can find a place owned by Georgia natives. Being a town full of colleges, Boston also has to be a town full of college bars. I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt. That's thirteen cities where I could move and be confident that I'll never have to search hard for the game. But based on my trip, Athens may beat any of these metropoleis.

And these dudes can visit if they'd like.

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