
I understand that this is breaking some rules about suspense, but here goes:
At some point I'm going to make a list of my favorite football moments, but I'm telling you now that Number One is going to be Michael Johnson's catch in the 2002 game against Auburn.
You may be wondering why I am bringing this up now. If you are, you obviously have no idea how often I am thinking about this game.
Ho-Fish: Erin Schmitt. Freddo, I'd like to think that my joke was too "Arrested Development-esque" for you to get. But maybe you're paranoid that I don't appreciate how awesome your wife is just because she's from Florida. Either way, sorry about the confusion but your wife is more than worthy to receive this prestigious award.
OK-Chicken: The UC Bearcats. I stated earlier my excitement for the scheduled UGA/UC football games. Well, UC must have heard of my joy, because they immediately cancelled the games. They claim that if they are going to play a team of our caliber, they want to play someone from the Midwest, such as OSU or Michigan. I'm not sure what changed between when the games were scheduled and now, but the location of Athens hasn't.
Let's compare these allegedly "comperable" teams, these Georgias and Ohio States:
All Time Record (as of today):
Georgia - 692-372-54
OSU - 775-300-53
All Time Greatest Coaches Record:
Dooly - 201-77-10
Hayes - 205-61-10
All Time Consensus National Champions:
Georgia - one (1980)
OSU - two (1968 and 2002)
EDGE: OSU (both have five non-consensus NC)
I mean, we could go on and on, but the statistics show that "comperable" may not quite be the correct word to use here, but perhaps "similar in sporting event" or more specifically, "another team that plays football".
s-dot, thanks for the clarification...your joke was probably too "Arrested Development-esque" for me...and thus rendering it unfunny. on another note, I appreciate UGA, but have the obvious tie to ColumbusTown. i love the blog!
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